Instytut Ona i On | Tegoroczna konferencja IFTCC 2024 i nasz wkład – prezentacja Polski
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Tegoroczna konferencja IFTCC 2024 i nasz wkład – prezentacja Polski

Tegoroczna konferencja IFTCC 2024 i nasz wkład – prezentacja Polski

Z radością informujemy Państwa, że podobnie jak w zeszłych latach i w tym roku wielostronnie zaznaczyliśmy naszą obecność na międzynarodowej, jubileuszowej konferencji IFTCC 2024 w dniach 18-20 października 2024 – co zostało docenione nagrodą (LINK). Pomagaliśmy w organizacji konferencji (tłumaczenia, rekrutacja uczestników, promocja, pomoc w znalezieniu funduszy, inne kwestie organizacyjne).

Nasza prezes Agnieszka Marianowicz- Szczygieł wygłosiła także wykład pt.:

Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Therapy of Children with Gender Identity Problems. Presentation of “SPCh Standards.”

Miłym akcentem na początku konferencji było uroczyste przedstawienie Polski, w strojach historycznych, na tle własnych zdjęć ukazujących piękno naszego kraju wraz z doradzonym organizatorom filmie IPN nt historii Polski, pt.: Niepokonani. (wersja angielska Unconquered).

Na zdjęciu – Agnieszka Marianowicz-Szczygieł oraz dr Szymon -Grzelak – autor poniższego tekstu reklamującego Polskę.

Drogie Waszmość Panie, Drodzy Waszmościowie,

Honourable Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to Poland…
a country with fascinating history:

Baptized in 966
Lying between the West and the East with all the blessings and tensions resulting from this fact.

For 600 years, since 1385, living in union with Lithuania, and sharing a common king.

For many centuries multicultural, and multireligious- with Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, Jews and Muslims living much more peacefully than in many other European countries. The religious tolerance of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in its golden ages,Jagiellonian tolerance, made our country a refuge for people persecuted elsewhere.

A country with unique democratic parliamentary tradition since 1468.
The Constitution of 3 May 1791 is widely considered to be the first modern constitution in Europe and one of the world’s greatest documents of freedom.


The country that defended Europe and Christianity against Turkish invasion in 1683(the Battle of Vienna won by the Polish king Jan III Sobieski), and against the Soviet Union that wanted to bring communist revolution to Western Europe on bayonets of the Red Army (the Battle of Warsaw of 1920).
The country that was the most rebellious in the Eastern Block, and the first one toget free in 1989, and destroy the Iron Curtain dividing Europe.
The country of John Paul II.

Welcome to Poland…
a country of beautiful and diverse nature:
rich in mountains, forests, picturesque meadows and fields, rivers, lakes, and the sea coast.


Welcome to Poland…
A country of rich culture:

A country fond of its education,with the Jagiellonian University in Cracow founded in 1364,and The Commission of National Educationof 1773, which was the first Ministry of Education in Europe.
A country of outstanding scholars and scientists, like the renaissance astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, who triggered the Copernican Revolution,like Maria Skłodowska-Curie, a physicist and chemist born in Warsaw, whoout of love for her fatherland gave the name “polonium” to one of the elements she had discovered; and like Ignacy Łukasiewicz,the discoverer of the oil lamp, constructor of the first oil well, first oil refinery and of the first modern street lamp.


Welcome to Poland…
A country that gave to the world the invention of
vitamins, of adrenaline, of polio vaccine and epidemic typhus vaccine, but also of the bulletproof vest,bus ticket validating machine, paper clips, and toothpaste.


Welcome to Poland…
A country of great composers:
Chopin, Szymanowski, Penderecki, Kilar and many others.

A country of great poets and writers: Mickiewicz, Sienkiewicz, Miłosz,Szymborska and others. Not by chance Poles won 5 Noble Prizes in literature.


A country that cherished its culture, language and spiritual freedom from generation to generationeven in the dark time of partitions, when the Polish state was erased from the map of Europe for over 120 years.


A country that is a symbol of hope for other nations, as it never gave up, and was always able to rise from the ashes of countless wars and disasters.
The unconquered country.