Instytut Ona i On | English
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The mission of the Foundation Institute of Analysis Sex and Sexuality “She and He” is to disseminate a comprehensive and objective knowledge regarding marriage and family, sex, fertility, sexuality, based on scientific research and the judeo-christian values, as well. Showing the respect for every indyvidual’s dignity and private choices we would like to protect and promote a well functioning natural family consistent of one mother and one father and their children as the gold standard and the foundation of every modern society, and necessary condition for demography and economy progress. Our special concern are the children and the youth, and their right to grow up in the safe enviroment esteeming the uniqueness of the childchood. Sexual education should be suitable to age level, and located in the whole context of all personality development, and responsible bringing up for the social roles in the future (we promote sexual integrity instead of sexual impulsivity). We enlighten risks and challenges of sexual revolution and anticultural neo-marxism as the main source of the contemporary crisis of the family. The activity of the Fundation Instytut of Analysis Sex and Sexuality “She and He” focuses on education, counselling, conducting scientfic research and related areas.



  • dr Mateusz Wichary – President
  • Agnieszka Marianowicz-Szczygieł – Vice-president
  • Ksawery Sroka – Member of the Board



  • Profile of the Fundation on the national NGO’s website
  • Id numbers: KRS: 0000695501, NIP: 9522168157, REGON: 368315678
  • Adress: ul. Szczytnowska 35/39, 04-812 Warsaw, Poland


  • Bank account: 49 1540 1287 2001 0000 0664 0001
  • No IBAN: PL 49 1540 1287 2001 0000 0664 0001


Our organisation doesn’t have the legal status of public benefit (it means we are not allowed to receive the 1% of the income tax), but of course we can receive the donations for the status’s goals at the quoted below bank account. We also don’t manage economic activity, but we are allowed to do so called remitted activity.